WHAT IS AN "ART in Genomic Therapy" ?

The Technological Research Accelerator in Genomic Therapy (ART-TG) is an innovation center established by Inserm, the french national biomedical institution, to promote excellence in gene therapy research.
ART-TG is a pre-GMP stage R&D laboratory aiming to bridge a gap between research and clinical or industrial applications. It has pharmaceutical expertise for product development and product manufacturing, specifically for genomic therapy approaches.
Therapeutic areas of interest are immunotherapy (cancer or infectious diseases), gene therapy of genetic diseases of the blood or immune system, two fields with high innovation potential and need for genomic therapy developments.
Inserm Transfert accompanies the partnerships of ART-TG.
The ART-TG accelerates the research and supports innovation of several Inserm units including:
Integrare-UMR_S951, the Inserm unit of Genethon; Inserm U955-eq16 of the Vaccine Research Institute, Inserm UMR_S1163 at the Institute Imagine.


Anne Galy, PhD, PharmD, DR Inserm
Director of ART-TG
Anne Galy is an expert in immunology and gene therapy with experience in early phase trials of gene therapy and in biotechnology.

Mario Amendola
PhD, CR1 Inserm
Advisor in genome editing
Mario Amendola is an expert in genome editing and gene therapy with international experience and a strong track record.